to Nirarta Centre for Living Awareness

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Gunung Agung at Twilight

At Nirarta, we welcome individuals and small groups seeking to renew themselves in a peaceful and beautiful setting - whether in their own way or through guided seminars and retreats.

At Nirarta, you are welcome to enjoy:

Refreshing Getaways


Transformational Seminars

and what makes them special

The Inspiration

The Place

The People

The Centre

Only a half hour from both magnificent mountains and seashores, the Centre's lush gardens nestle in terraced rice fields.

Overlooking the Unda river, Nirarta is surrounded by a ring of green hills in unspoilt East Bali.

Here, Nature's unfolding presence sustains the natural unfolding of your own renewal.

Our Inspiration

Besides creating a safe and serene holding environment, much of what we offer at Nirarta in our one-to-one work, retreats, and seminars is to help those who come here:

  1. deal with external changes occurring in their lives
  2. identify and initiate shifts in behaviour, focus, or direction
  3. set up and consolidate the kind of deep learning that will support such change
  4. support the natural process of growth that is bringing a person to a new level of integration

Our Aim

Our aim at Nirarta is thus to support the natural process of unfolding in a person's life by helping them make changes, learn, and grow.

Beyond that we endeavour to create a context in which people can become aligned with the process of unfolding itself.

When that happens, what we create and what we receive from life come into balance and harmony, as expressions of the Unfolding itself.

In summary...

  • our aim is to support deep transformation in individuals and groups...
  • leading to inner awakening to our true nature and birthright...
  • life unfolding in Wholeness.


What's On At Nirarta Centre Bali




Nirarta meeting roomNirarta meeting room

seminar groupseminar group

local farmerslocal farmers

healing grouphealing group